Sunday 21 September 2014

Bug Mansion

Wild About Gardens Week ended today but there is still time to enter their Bug Hotel competition. This was my goal when I got up this morning.  I had been browsing the internet checking out the various abodes and reading the building plans.  There are some very ambitious builds ... very Grand Design!

 I have chosen my site ... next to the compost bin.  It is flat, gets some sun for the sun loving bugs and the back sits under a tree for those who prefer the dark side.  It's sheltered from wind and they can feed on the compost. 

I really like the look of this one from Chelsea Flower Show a few years back.  The bottom pallet is positioned to create a hedgehog house and the rest has the appropriate habitat for bees, ladybirds, beetles, frogs and even snakes.  I have three pallets at the allotment; I have old bricks and tiles, stones, logs and branches, broken flower pots, plastic bottles, cardboard and canes.  There was nothing to stop me ... except the couple of jobs I wanted to do first ... then there was the other job .... then I had to have a cup of tea .... and, of course, I had to do one more task before I went to the allotment ... and then it was evening!

Green Lacewing

So I now have a job for tomorrow.  These two are creating a housing shortage so I had better get on with it!
Common Red Soldier Beetle
There are a few bugs that would be unwelcome guests though.  I have said before that I hate to kill anything ... well I found a struggling plant the other day and discovered vine weevil bugs in the pot.  I threw the soil on top of the compost heap and left the lid up because a Robin was watching me ... sure enough the Robin enjoyed a snack ... I did feel a bit guilty!!

Lily Beetle

Today I discovered 8 Lily Beetles on one stalk so I tried the same trick again.  The birds didn't touch them so I had to take them across the lane to the field and throw them as far away as I could.  Of course, the birds weren't interested ... in nature red indicates harmful.

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